Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Very Sweet Care Package

My very favorite part about blogging is being able to "meet" people from all around the world who share similar hobbies and experiences as me.  One of the many, many sweet "bloggy friends" I have made is Kim from Learning to Quilt (with a Chicken on my Knee), who lives all the way across The Big Pond, in the UK.

This past week I received the most amazing care package (and beautiful note) from Kim.  She sent me 1/2 yard of *the* most adorable ladybird fabric (they call them ladybirds in the UK... isn't that so much prettier than ladybugs?) and a whole bunch of chocolate!!!  Does she know how to put a smile on this girl's face or what?!?!  I honestly can't think of a better combination!!

The two big chocolate coins are for my daughters.  They're easily 6" across.  The two bars of chocolate (with the Union Jacks on the packages) are quite possibly the best chocolate I've ever tasted.  One is milk chocolate with toffee bits and the other is dark chocolate with subtle strawberry and white chocolate swirls.  Oh.  Em. Gee!!!  It has taken every ounce of willpower I have, but I haven't opened the Green & Blacks yet.  I'm trying to save a little something for a special treat later.

SOOOO many ideas for this fabric.. I just love it!  It's from The Birds & The Bees collection by Tula Pink.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.....

Thank you, Kim, this package made my whole week!!

~*~ May your day be full of Love and Ladybug Hugs ~*~

Thanks for stopping by!
~ Kat ~


  1. That is just the nicest gift:-D I remember a sweet friend sending me a lovely quilted coaster that I use in my studio...such a cherished gift of friendship!

  2. What a lovely package....Do you remember Lady Bird Johnson our first lady when Lyndon Johnson was president? She got her name from someone who said, "Isn't she just as beautiful as a ladybird?" when she was a baby..... The Tula Pink Ladybugs are so pretty and different....I know you will find something special to make with them.


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